physical work
we believe physical work is not only about strength, but also experience, skills and even interpersonal abilities.

working abroad
if you are looking for employees to work abroad, we will find the best specialists and the most experienced Candidates for you.
office administration
efficient office administration is the key to a well-operating company. Therefore, you need the Candidates who combine good work organization with being open to other people.
finance and accounting
in the world of finance, we always keep track of people while dealing with tons of numbers. Therefore we pay attention not only to Candidates’ experience, but also to their personality. Suitable people provide better results.

HR, personnel and payroll
a company’s potential stems from what it can obtain from its employees. And everyone has something to offer. Thus, we will help you manage your team and its potential.
engineering and manufacturing
advanced technology enables us to select the right people for specialized jobs. After all, engineering and manufacturing require precision.
IT and telecommunications
are you looking for experienced .NET or Java developers, programmers or mobile application testers? There should be a click between you, so we have selected the coolest specialists for you.
managing a company is equally important as managing its logistics. With our candidates your road towards reaching common goals will become much easier.
customer service and contact center
proper contact with the customer, full of commitment and empathy, is the key to each company's success. We can match Candidates who will build trust among your customers.
we employ professionals for modern business services centers.
sales & marketing
efficient sales and smart marketing are the drives for your company, but to be honest, it’s actually about the right people in the right places. Meet your future employees.
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przyciągnij talenty
skuteczne sposoby na rekrutacje.
Opracuj skuteczne strategie pozyskiwania talentów, zarówno tych aktywnie poszukujących pracy, jak i kandydatów pasywnych.